Niles Audio DMS4 User Manual
Page 32

ICs usER
The Master Keys on the IntelliControl
ICS user interface provide
“one-touch activation” of the sources on the GXR2 Modular
MultiZone Receiver. After a Master Key is pressed and the
source starts playing the user is greeted with the Now Playing
screen for that source. From this “main screen” the user now
has control over the source. With a DMS4 Digital Music Server
properly integrated with the GXR2 Modular MultiZone receiver,
the user now has at his fingertips the following control;
Advancing the DMS4 to the Next or Previous song in the
play queue
Pausing the current song in the queue along with Play
Putting the DMS4 into a shuffle mode to play the songs in the
queue in random order, entering the menu of the DMS4 where
the user can now navigate all of the music on the DMS4
PlaYING musIC FROm THE dms4
Pressing the menu button the user can search through and play
the music based on tracks, artists, albums, playlists, genres,
years and eras.
Fig. 6-6 ICS CONTACT interface: accessing the DMS4 music library via
the menu
To enter the TRACKS menu just press the TRACKS button. The
user is now presented with ALL and the TRACKS from the DMS4
in alphabetical order.
Fig. 6-7 ICS CONTACT interface: accessing the DMS4 tracks menu
If the user wants to play all of the tracks listed he would press
and release the ALL button. If music was playing at the time the
ALL button was pressed, that music would stop and then music
would start playing from the first song of the tracks list (essentially
replacing whatever was playing). If the user presses a track
listed on the screen, any music that was playing would stop
and the chosen track would start playing (essentially replacing
whatever was playing).
Press & Hold the All button and all of the listed tracks will be
added to the end of the Play Queue of the DMS4. Performing a
Press & Hold on any track listed has the same effect of adding
that track to the end of the Play Queue.
To enter alBums from the main menu just press the ALBUMS
button. The user is now presented with ALL and then all of the
albums on the DMS4 in alphabetical order. As in the tracks
menu if the user presses the ALL button, all of the ALBUMS will
now replace whatever was playing in the Play Queue. A Press
& Hold of the ALL button will add all of the albums on the DMS4
to the end of the Play Queue.
Press and release any album listed on the screen the user will
now be presented will all of the tracks on the chosen album.
Fig. 6-8 ICS CONTACT interface: accessing the DMS4 Albums menu
To enter aRTIsTs from the main menu just press the ARTISTS
button. The user is now presented with ALL and then all of the
artists on the DMS4 in alphabetical order. As in the tracks menu
if the user presses the ALL button, all of the ARTISTS music will
now replace whatever was playing in the Play Queue. A Press
& Hold of the ALL button will add all of the albums from all artists
on the DMS4 to the end of the Play Queue.
Press and release any artist listed on the screen the user will now
be presented with all of the albums for the chosen artists.
Fig. 6-9 ICS CONTACT interface: accessing the DMS4 Artists menu
To enter the PlaY Q from the main menu just press the
PLAY Q button. The user is now presented with all the selections
(individual tracks, full albums and Playlists) that will play from the
current Play Q.
Fig. 6-10 ICS CONTACT interface: accessing the DMS4 PLAY Q screen
To enter PlaYlIsTs from the main menu just press the
PLAYLISTS button. The user is now presented with all of the
Playlists on the DMS4 in alphabetical order. Press and release
any Playlist listed on the screen the user will now be presented
with all of the tracks and albums contained in that Playlist.
Fig. 6-11 ICS CONTACT interface: accessing the DMS4 Playlists menu
To enter GENREs from the main menu just press the GENRES
button. The user is now presented with ALL and then a list of
all of the Genres on the DMS4 in alphabetical order. As in the
tracks menu if the user presses the ALL button, all of the music of
that Genre will now replace whatever was playing in the Play
Queue. A Press & Hold of the ALL button will add all music from
all Genres on the DMS4 to the end of the Play Queue.