General information, Access codes, Shared memory – Nokia 2310 User Manual

Page 10: Access codes shared memory

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G e n e r a l i n f o r m a t i o n




2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.

General information

Access codes

The security code supplied with the phone protects your phone
against unauthorized use. The preset code is 12345.

The PIN code supplied with the SIM card helps to protect the
card against unauthorized use. The PIN2 code supplied with
some SIM cards is required to access certain services. If you
enter the PIN or PIN2 code incorrectly three times in succession,
you are asked for the PUK or PUK2 code. If you do not have them,
contact your local service provider.

Select Menu >



Security settings

to set how your

phone uses the access codes and security settings.

Shared memory

The following features in this device may share memory:




. Use of one or more of these features

may reduce the memory available for the remaining features
sharing memory. For example, saving many text messages may
use all of the available memory. Your device may display a
message that the memory is full when you try to use a shared Page 9 Friday, December 8, 2006 4:23 PM