8 [time] command, 9 [ifaddr] command – Planet Technology VIP-150T User Manual

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PLANET VIP-150T User’s Manual


4.8 [time] command

When VIP-150T enable SNTP function and be able to connect with SNTP server, type

time command will show the current time retrieved from SNTP server.


4.9 [ifaddr] command

Configure and display the VIP-150T IP information.


–print: print out all current configurations of ifaddr command.

2. -ip, -mask, -gate: Set VIP-150T IP Address, subnet mask and default gateway


1. -ipmode: Set VIP-150T network mode to be Fixed IP, DHCP or PPPoE.

When User set IP mode to be fixed IP, please set IP, subnet Mask, default gateway

as mentioned in item 2.

If User set IP mode to be DHCP, VIP-150T will search for DHCP server to capture

IP address after reboot.

If user set IP mode to be PPPoE, please remember to set related parameters under

[pppoe] command.

2. -sntp: When SNTP server is available, enable VIP-150T SNTP function and assign

SNTP server IP address so that VIP-150T can capture current time from SNTP

server. (ifaddr

–sntp 1 “”)

3. -dns: User can set Domain Name Server IP address. Once VIP-150T can connect

with DNS server, user can specify URL address instead of IP address for Proxy

Server and phone book IP address...etc.


–timezone: User can set different time zone according to the location VIP-150T is.

For example, in Taiwan the time zone should be set as 8,which means GMT+8.