Bridged connection – Paradyne 6211 User Manual
Page 40

3. Using the Web Interface
January 2005
Bridged Connection
A pure bridged connection does not assign an IP address to the WAN interface.
This connection method makes the modem act as a hub that passes packets
across the WAN interface to the LAN interface.
To configure the modem as a bridge:
1. From the Home page, click on Setup and then click on New Connection. The
default PPPoE connection setup is displayed.
2. At the Type field select Bridge and the Bridge connection setup page is
displayed (see
Figure 3-8
3. Give your Bridge connection a unique name; the name must not have spaces
and cannot begin with numbers.
4. Select a PVC Sharing type of Disable, Enable, or VLAN.
5. Select or enter a VPI and VCI. (Your DSL service provider or your ISP will
supply these.) For VLAN, specify a VLAN ID and priority.
6. Select the encapsulation type (LLC or VC); if you are not sure which to use,
just use the default mode.
7. Select the quality of service (QoS). Leave the default value if you are unsure
or the ISP did not provide this information. Depending on the QoS you select,
you may also enter:
— PCR (Peak Cell Rate)
— SCR (Sustainable Cell Rate)
— MBS (Maximum Burst Size)
— CDVT (Cell Delay Variation Tolerance)
Figure 3-8.
Bridged Connection Setup