Peavey RQ 4300 Series User Manual
Page 10

NOTE: While linked, the gain reduction meter in the second group may show gain reduction,
although it is not a true representation of the compressor activity.
These LEDs graphically show the amount of gain being reduced through compression
(-1 to –12 dB).
This control sets the level at which compression activates and is variable from –30 dBu to no
compression in the OFF position. The adjacent LED (0 dBu) will illuminate when enough
signal is present for compression to function properly.
This display indicates the amount of signal present in the SUB group mix. Signal is sampled
at the summing amp and post-master faders to monitor clipping throughout the SUB group.
The CLIP indicator will illuminate when signal approaches (-2 dB) clipping. For example, the
SUB fader (33) may be at an acceptable setting, yet the channel signals assigned to the SUB
may be approaching clipping. If this is occurring, the channel FADER (16) and GAIN (4)
settings may need to be assessed and setting corrections made.
NOTE: The CLIP LED can illuminate before the rest of the array indicating the summing amp
is clippping.
These switches determine where the SUB mix signal is being sent. For example, if each
individual drum mic is assigned to SUB 1, depressing the LEFT button will send the drum
SUB mix to the LEFT OUT on the rear panel.
This switch mutes all output from the corresponding SUB group. Illumination of the adjacent
red LED occurs when the MUTE button is depressed.
This switch directs the post-fader signal from the respective SUB group to the HEADPHONE
OUTPUT (42) and is displayed in the AFL/PFL LEVEL DISPLAY (45).
(33) SUB
This control determines how much signal is present at the selected output. As with channel
faders, optimum setting is at unity gain (0). If the output level is too quiet or too loud at unity
gain, the GAIN and FADER settings on the channels assigned to the SUB mix should be
checked. If two SUB mixes, SUB 1 and SUB 2 for example, are intended to be in stereo,
adjust both FADERS equally and simultaneously to preserve balance.
(34) LOW
This switch activates the low-cut (150 Hz -18 dB/per octave) filter. With this feature engaged,
input frequencies below 150 Hz will be rejected. Especially when using reverb, the low-cut
filter is useful in reducing “low-end rumble” and making resultant sounds less “muddy”.
(35) AUX 1 & AUX 2
These controls determine the level of the signal returned to the respective AUX bus, allowing
musicians/singers to hear external effects.
NOTE: Do not use AUX SENDS 1 or 2 as the path to external equipment that is to be sent
back to the corresponding AUX mix (1 or 2) due to the creation of an electronic feedback