7 • system options – Pitney Bowes DM100i User Manual

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7 • System Options

SV62214 Rev. A

Setting Autodate Advance

Your system automatically advances the date at a time you specify.
The date advance time is factory set to 12:00 AM. If your mail is
picked up at a certain time each day, you can set the system to ad-
vance the date at the mail pickup time. You can also turn the auto
date advance feature off if you want.
1. Press



2. Press

Page Down


3. Select "Time and Timeouts".
4. Select "Autodate advance".
5. Select "AM" or "PM".
6. Type in the time. Example: To enter one o’clock, type 1 - 0 - 0.

To enter 12:01 o’clock, type 1 - 2 - 0 - 1. (Don't type the hyphens.)

7. Select "Continue". The display returns to Time and Timeouts


8. Press


(back arrow key) to return to Options menu.

Setting Sleep Mode Activation Time

You can set the amount of time the machine waits until entering
"sleep mode". When the machine is in sleep mode, the display is
blank and you can't process mail. You awaken the machine by mere-
ly pressing any button on the control panel.
1. Press



2. Press

Page Down


3. Select "Time and Timeouts".
4. Select "Sleep Mode"
5. Key in the amount of minutes (from 1-240) be fore the system

goes into sleep mode.

6. Select "OK". The display returns to Time and Timeouts menu.
7. Press


(back arrow key) to return to Options menu.



If you want to turn the date advance feature off, set the

advance time to 12:00 AM.