Delete encapsulation, Add a vcc, 2 delete encapsulation – Paradyne 6212 User Manual

Page 62: 3 add a vcc

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62 June 2004 6212-A2-GB20-10

5.9.2 Delete


To delete encapsulation, select a VCC entry and then click on the Delete Encap button.

5.9.3 Add a VCC

To add a VCC entry, complete the following steps.

STEP 1: Click on the Add VCC button. The VCC screen appears.

STEP 2: Enter values for the parameters (explained below).

STEP 3: Click on the Apply button at the bottom of the page.


Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) that identifies this ATM

connection. The valid range is 0 to 4095.


Virtual Channel Identifier (VCI) that identifies this ATM
connection. The valid range is 0 to 65,535.

Peak Cell rate


Defines the fastest rate a user can send cells to the

network. It is expressed in cells per second.

Average Cell rate

Defines the maximum sustainable average rate a user can
send cells to the network. It is expressed in cells per

second. This specifies the bandwidth utilization. This value
must always be less than or equal to the Peak Cell Rate.

Burst size (cells)

Maximum number of cells the user can send at the peak

rate in a burst, within a sustainable rate.

CDVT (cells)

Constrains the number of cells the user can send to the
network at the maximum line rate.


Select data or voice