Precor Total Body 904 User Manual

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Assembly Instructions

To assist you in the assembly of the 904 treadmill, the items in the hardware
kit, shown in Diagram 2 on page 6, correspond to a particular letter of the
alphabet. These letters appear in the assembly instructions. If necessary, refer
to Diagram 2 while performing the steps below.

To assemble the 904 treadmill, take the following steps:


Wipe Excess Lubricant Off the Deck. The area between the treadmill’s
running belt and deck is lubricated at the factory. During shipment, the
lubricant tends to migrate toward the rear of the treadmill. Use paper
towels or a clean cloth to wipe the excess lubricant off the deck and
running belt

before assembling the treadmill. Do not remove any lubricant

between the running belt and deck.

CAUTION: The lubricant may
stain certain types of fabrics.
Keep the lubricant away from
your clothes. Do not use the
treadmill until you have wiped
off the excess lubricant.


Install the Front Lift Bar Assembly. (Diagrams 3 and 4) With the treadmill
base flat on the floor near the location where you plan to use it, take the
following steps to install the front lift bar:


Place the triangular, cardboard end block, set aside when you
unpacked the treadmill, under the running belt and deck so that it
supports the front end of the unit and lifts the flywheel off of the
floor. See Diagram 3.


Remove the two bolts and washers from inside the front lift bar
bracket and set them aside.


Slide the front lift bar brackets into the side rail mounts and align the
lower bolt holes.

Note: You may need to ask for assistance to help you lift the front of
the treadmill to properly align the front lift bar brackets with the side
rail mounts.

Diagram 3
Preparing to install the front lift bar.


Running belt

Triangular, cardboard end block

Elevation tube


Front lift bar bracket

Side rail mount

Lower bolt hole

Right handrail

CAUTION: To avoid injury,
place each hand on opposite
sides of the side rails and lift
the front of the treadmill. Do
not lift the treadmill by holding
onto the running belt or front