Precor Total Body 904 User Manual

Page 5

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page 5

Tips for unpacking the treadmill:

Ask for assistance to help you unpack the treadmill. Place the carton close
to the location where you plan to assemble and use the treadmill.

To avoid scratching yourself or the unit, remove the staples when you
open the carton. Let the sides of the carton fall flat onto the floor.

Take the

left handrail off the running belt and set it aside. See Diagram 1.

To access the front lift bar and its cardboard packing, carefully lift the
black foam section of the right handrail (since its base is attached to the
treadmill by a cable). Remove the front lift bar and set it aside. Leave the
right handrail on top of the running belt.

Remove the T-knob assembly by lifting the unsecured T-knob and sliding
the opposite end out of the cardboard slot.

Have your assistant hold onto the side rails at the rear of the treadmill to
lift the deck while you pull the triangular, cardboard end block away from
the rear roller. Set the triangular, cardboard end block aside to use in
step 2 of the assembly instructions.

Use a paper towel or a clean cloth to wipe off the excess lubricant on the
running belt and deck. Do not wipe off any lubricant that is between the
belt and the deck.

CAUTION: The right handrail is
attached to the deck assembly
by the micro-adjustment
cable. Be sure to leave the
right handrail on top of the
running belt.

CAUTION: Avoid injury by
placing your hands on the side
rails when lifting the rear of
the treadmill. Do not use the
rear roller to lift the treadmill.