Panasonic DP-3530 User Manual

Page 5

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WORKiO – the Scanning & Document Distribution Solution

WORKiO not only gets documents into the digital flow faster with its high-speed scanning, it also provides

Document Manager software

for efficient management, editing and sharing of scanned documents. For

very large-scale document management based on a client-server model, the optional

DD Server System

takes your business another step closer towards realizing paperless document management is possible.

WORKiO DP-3530 is also a high-speed scanning solution. Equipped with an inverting ADF unit (70-page

capacity), it can automatically perform double-side scanning of documents as large as A3 size. Thanks to

the high-resolution scanning at 600 x 600 dpi with 256 grayscale halftone using error diffusion technology,

clear crisp image quality is achieved.

High-speed network scanner

Broad OS compatibility ensures that LAN clients using Windows

XP/Server 2003/2000/98/Me and even Windows NT take advan-

tage of the versatile “Push-type” network scanning capability.

Scanned Document Management

When a scanned document arrives, Document Manager

notifies the user and automatically opens it. Image Viewer

enables the user to easily view, annotate or attach memos to

the file.With the simple “drag and drop” operation, users can

manage and edit documents right from their desktop, and

even share them with other PCs.







high-speed network scanning

network scanning versatility

desktop document management

Powerful distribution options at your fingertips

Friendly WORKiO GUI guides users through every step of the scan-

ning and document distribution process. For example, even after

pressing start,the interface keeps the user informed of the scanning

progress with an animated graphic.

File naming

For more convenient file management, WORKiO gives you the

freedom to name data files. Using the Soft Keyboard with the

QWERTY layout, name entry is easy!

When the optional Network Scanning Module is

combined with the WORKiO’s built-in network

connectivity, the DP-3530 becomes a powerful

high-speed network scanner

that revolutionizes

document distribution. Instead of copying docu-

ments and hand delivering them to individuals,

network scanning and the intuitive WORKiO inter-

face make it easy to send scanned documents to

an FTP server or a PC on the LAN. The



feature gives you the freedom to assign

a name to scanned files right at the platform for

easy identification.

*To open the TIFF or PDF file, Panasonic Document Management

System software and/or Adobe® Reader™ are required.

With the Internet Fax / Email option, the DP-3530

can be set up to scan documents as

TIFF images or


files allowing the user to transmit them as

email attachments. For example, with the “Send-to-

Email” feature, scanned documents can be directly

sent from the WORKiO DP-3530 to other Internet





platforms or even multiple email

clients anywhere in the world. Simultaneous distri-

bution of the same document to multiple email

clients and G3 fax terminals is easy using the “Mixed

Broadcast”feature and convenient fax/email utilities

like the WORKiO

Address Book


Mail Client


Distribution System

Web Client

Panasonic-DMS Client

Mail Client

Document Distribution System*

DDS is a powerful tool that lets users create distribution jobs and routing menus for fast, precisely targeted,

automatic distribution. Once workflow routines have been defined, DDS will automatically route and distri-

bute scanned documents, inbound faxes and internet faxes, greatly simplifying repetitive distribution tasks.

The routing menus in the WORKiO control panel are easy to understand and navigate. DDS also offers

versatile image processing, including auto rotation, skew correction, noise reduction, automatic or manual

file naming and OCR text extraction. In addition, users can store and view documents in secure Web folders,

with sensitive information archived by sender, recipient, inbound routing and inbound address.

Document Distribution System (DDS)

One-Touch Document Routing

WORKiO’s Address Book allows registration of up to 1,000



, Fax numbers and email addresses. In addition, net-

work addresses can be registered easily by using the “soft” key-

board,and a handy utility supports easy creation of standardized

email headers.

WORKiO’s Internet Fax / Email option also provides

the platform with a fax / email gateway function.

Incoming faxes*


can be automatically routed to

the designated recipient’s email inbox where the

attached image file can be easily opened and

viewed with a standard image viewer such as

“Imaging for Windows”. The optional fax commu-

nication kit and

Panafax Desktop software


users to send documents directly from their PC via

the LAN and WORKiO gateway to G3 fax machines

around the world.*





Panafax Desktop

Transform the WORKiO DP-3530 into a high-performance fax station. The optional fax communication kit

adds fast 33.6 kbps Super G3 fax with JBIG compression capability accelerated by 0.7-sec “Quick Scanning”

for shorter prep time and

Quick Memory Transmission

. High 600 x 600 dpi communication resolution pre-

serves the high scanning resolution of WORKiO for accurate reproduction at the destination. One of the

smart features of the DP-3530 is a function that automatically switches to fax mode by determining that

a telephone number is being entered when a number over 6 digits is keypad in.

fast faxing

internet faxing

gateway to “paperless” productivity

Panafax Desktop Software

PC Fax lets users send documents from their PCs directly to fax

machines, eliminating the step of printing a hard copy and then

running it through the fax machine. The PC Fax capability can save

valuable time,labour,and paper.

Email Client

The Fax capable clients

The WORKiO DP-3530 can be set up to scan images in stan-

dard TIFF or the popular PDF format and transmit them as

email attachments.

*Optional Network Scanner Module is required.

Web Folder View

*1 In the case of the Send-to-Email transmission at 600 dpi and/or A3

documents, reception may not be possible in some instances due to

reception-side function.

*2 Receiving data from Internet Fax only supports TIFF-FX format.

*3 Optional Hard Disk Drive Unit is required.

*3 Fax Communication Board is required.
*4 Internet Fax/E-mail Module is required.