5 • adding postage/connecting to data centre – Pitney Bowes K700 User Manual

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SV61503 Rev. A

5 • Adding Postage/Connecting to Data Centre

Downloads from the Data Centre to Your Postage Meter

When you connect to the Pitney Bowes Data Centre (using an ana-
log phone line) to add postage or perform other transactions, the
Data Centre may perform the following:

Download required software updates to your postage meter

Download advertisements and optional features you ordered

Perform a remote inspection of your postage meter as required
by the CPC.

Download new postal rates for the internal rating feature as re-
quired by CPC.

A description of the type of downloads that can occur in your postage
meter are presented below and on the following page.

K700 Meter Update

If there has been a feature enhancement or other non-essential up-
date to the software that runs your postage meter, you will be notified
that a system update is available.


If there are new ads that you ordered available, you will be notified
that you can perform a download to obtain these.

Connecting to the Pitney Bowes Data Centre

You can connect to the Pitney Bowes Data Centre any time to download
a feature you ordered, comply with CPC inspection regulations, etc.
1. Connect your postage meter to an analog phone line.
2. Press Menu.
3. Use the Review keys to scroll and select "Connect to Data


4. The postage meter dials into the Pitney Bowes Data Centre.

When connected, you are told of any downloads available.

5. Follow the prompts to start the download(s) as necessary. Var-

ious screens displays, letting you know the status of the process.

6. When finished, press Enter/yes to return to the main screen.