4 • printing options – Pitney Bowes K700 User Manual

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SV61503 Rev. A

4 • Printing Options

Adding/Removing an Envelope Ad to the Meter Stamp

1. Press Menu.
2. Use the Review keys to scroll until you see the ad screen (the

current ad, if any, is listed).

Adding/Changing an Ad - Press Yes/enter and use the Review
keys to scroll through the list of ads. Press Yes/enter at the de-
sired ad.

Removing an Ad - Press Yes/enter and use the Review keys to
scroll through the list of ads. Press Yes/enter when the choice of
"None" appears.

3. A message confirms your choice and the main screen displays.

Purchasing other Envelope Ads for Your Postage Meter
If you want another envelope ad, contact Pitney Bowes (see the
Pitney Bowes Contact List at start of this guide). Ready-made items
can be purchased and downloaded directly into your postage meter.
We can also work with you to create custom ads.

Printing the Date and Time Only (no meter stamp)

You may want to use this feature to time-stamp incoming mail or sen-
sitive documents.
1. Press Menu.
2. Use the Review keys to scroll and select "Change meter stamp


Turning ON Date and Time Only Printing - At the "Print date and
time only?" prompt, press Enter/yes. The main screen displays
with the date and time only.

06-23-05 3:31 PM
-Date/Time only-

Turning OFF Date and Time Only Printing - Press Clear/Back. At
the "Return to printing postage?" prompt, press Enter/yes. The
normal main screen displays.

Sample Printed Date/Time Stamp