Panasonic Web-Server FP User Manual

Page 74

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FP Web-Server V2.11

6.1 Email Functions of the FP Web-Server


The RS232C parameter of the PLC can be adjusted in FPWIN Pro. The RS232C
communication parameter of FP Web-Server to the PLC for the email handling is
determined in the Configurator "Config" tab, see also PLC Interface.

These settings have to correspond to the settings of the respective RS232C ports
(TOOL or COM port) of the PLC. To do this, open the "System Register", "Tool
Port" or "COM Port" settings in the "PLC Config" and compare and/ or adjust the
parameters. The TOOL Port of the PLC always uses an "Odd" Parity:

12. Compile the program, transfer it to the PLC and start it

Make sure that the FP Web-Server is connected and online.

13. The program waits for the inputs X1 to X3 and generates the following emails

if a positive edge is detected at the input

Nw 2:

Input X1

Code 1:

Email to a recipient's email address (No.1) that was
predefined in the Configurator project.

Code 3:

Email text (No.3) that was defined in the Configurator

Nw 3:

Input X2

Code 0:

Email to a recipient's email address (No.0) that was
predefined in the Configurator project.

Code 4:

Email text that was created by the PLC program in

Max. 255 characters!

The sequence of characters $n stands for a carriage
return (CR LF).

Nw 4:

Input X3

Code 4:

Recipient's email address that was created by the PLC
program in "mail_add".

Max. 52 characters!

Code 2:

Email text (No.2) that was defined in the Configurator