E 61), Age 61) – Panasonic Web-Server FP User Manual
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FP Web-Server V2.11
6.1 Email Functions of the FP Web-Server
For continuous Internet connections (Router, VPN, GPRS ...) it is sometimes necessary to test
the communication, i.e. to test the availability of radio connections or to distribute the end unit's
IP address after a restart in case bridges or routers are used. In such cases the DNS request
function for email sending can be used. The PLC should periodically try to send an email ... but
the email recipient address should not be set (empty string). Then a DNS request is sent by FP
Web-Server (after an optional Internet dialup), which tests the communication. Do not forget to
set up the FP Web-Server with a valid email server name and existing DNS server IP address.
For further information, refer to the online help under the keyword "Periodic communication
6.1.4 PLC Program with Function Block from the Library M_CE_LIB
The following procedure describes how to design a PLC program that sends out an email when
you activate a PLC input.
This PLC sample program is thought of as an example for individually developed PLC
programs. You can find the library and the program in the installation path
"Programs/Panasonic MEW Control/Configurator/FP-WEB2/FPWIN Pro_Example" of the
Configurator. For creating the following PLC program the file "M_CE_Tst.asc" (program) and
the file "M_CE_Lib.sul" (library) are required.
1. Copy the files "M_CE_Tst.asc" and "M_CE_Lib.sul" into a new folder
2. Start FPWIN Pro and create a new project
3. Select the "Library Pool" in the FPWIN Pro Navigator
4. Select and install "M_CE_Lib.sul" from the new folder by pressing [Edit],
[User Library] and [Install/Create]
5. Import the project M_CE_Tst.asc with [Project] and [Import Project]
Now the project should already be faultlessly translatable. Do not forget to save it.
6. Double-click "Libraries" in the FPWIN Pro Navigator to open the Library Pool
7. Click with right mouse button on "M_CE_Lib" and select "Open" from
context menu
Do not enter a password. Open the library with [OK].