Panasonic Web-Server FP User Manual

Page 191

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FP Web-Server V2.11



General Information on the FP Web-Server

Configurator........................................ 46

Generalities on How to Get Started ....... 32
Generalities on PLC Data Fields in HTML

Pages ................................................. 72

Generalities on the Email-Server........... 64
Generalities on the Ethernet/ RS232C

Ports ................................................. 104

Generate a New Configurator Project.... 37
Getting Started......................................... 1
GPRS Internet Connections ................ 136


Hardware Description ............................ 13
Hardware Version .................................. 15
Hotline.................................................. 178
How to Find out the Address of the Email

Server................................................. 66

HTML examples, description of ........... 161
Http Address, CGI Function PLC and

Calling Parameter .............................. 73

Http Server Functions/ Web Pages ....... 69


IEC 60870 Functions of the FP Web-Server

......................................................... 151

IEC 60870 General Functions ............. 152
IEC 60870 Library for Control FPWIN Pro

......................................................... 156

IEC 60870 Parameters ........................ 155
Important Notes ..................................... 21
Important Symbols ...................................iii
Inputs for Controlling PLC internal relays on

HTML Pages ...................................... 87

Installation.............................................. 20
Installation of the Configurator Program 35
Internet Browser Settings ...................... 72
Internet Browser to Test the FP

Web-Server ........................................ 41

Internet Dial-Out Settings .................... 138
Internet Email Settings......................... 130
Introduction ............................................ 14
Introduction to FP Web-Server and the

Java Applet....................................... 158

IP and TCP/ IP ..................................... 166
ISDN Adapter....................................... 136


Java Applet Library .............................. 157


Main Configuration................................. 52
Mechanical Installation .......................... 24
Modbus Functions ............................... 143
Modbus-TCP Client of the FP Web-Servers

in General......................................... 148

Modbus-TCP Server of the FP Web-Server

in General......................................... 146

Modem and Dial-up Networking Installation

of a Windows Client ......................... 111

Modem and Multipoint Settings ........... 153


Network Communication Problems ..... 172
New in This Version ................................. 4
Notes for Advanced Users................... 132
Notes on HTML Frames ........................ 97
Notes on Strings .................................... 90
Notes on XML Files with PLC Data ....... 97
NTP Server for PLC Clock Synchronization

......................................................... 139


Overview on Modbus-TCP Functions of the

FP Web-Server................................. 144


Panasonic Hotline ................................ 178
Parameters for IEC 60870 ................... 155
Parts and Functions ............................... 17
PLC Connection................................... 162
PLC Connection, Cable Drawings, Modem

......................................................... 162

PLC Data Attached to an Email ............. 59
PLC Program with Function Block from the

Library M_CE_LIB.............................. 61

PPP Communication via Null Modem Cable

......................................................... 123

PPP-Client Dial-Out Setup................... 138
PPP-Server Setup ............................... 127
Predefined Email Texts in the FP

Web-Server ........................................ 59

Preinstalled Passwords and Safety

Instructions ....................................... 170

Problems Finding an FP Web-Server Unit