Lowrance electronic 6 User Manual
Page 7

Section 1: Introduction
How this manual can get you into the field, fast!
Thanks for buying MapCreate
, the custom mapping software for
Lowrance and Eagle GPS units. This manual was written using Map-
U.S.A. and MapCreate Canada versions 6.3. Beginning with
version 6.3, all MapCreate packages work identically, but contain dif-
ferent mapping data.
We know you're eager to install the program and make some maps, but
we have a favor to ask. Before you grab that CD, give us a moment to
explain how our manual can help you get the best performance from
our software. Our goal is to get you on the road, into the air, or out to
the woods and water fast. Like you, we'd rather spend more time out-
doors, and less time reading a manual!
That's why we designed this book so you don't have to read the whole
thing from front to back for the information you want. You can skip
around! If you know where to look, we've made it easy to find the tips
you may need from time to time.
The manual has three main sections:
Section 1: Introduction contains the Quick Start Reference, which
begins on page 2. We put it near the front of the book so you can turn to
it quickly. Sec. 1 also includes background information on how Map-
Create and its file formats work. To understand how to interpret our
instruction text, be sure to see the Typographical Conventions seg-
ment on page 15. Don't miss the important notes on File Encryption
and Card Limits on page 8.
Section 2: Installing MapCreate (on page 17) will help you get the program
and the required LEI card reader correctly installed on your computer.
Section 3: User's Guide (on page 31) is the heart of our book. It intro-
duces you to the MapCreate windows and toolbars. Sec. 3 contains
easy-to-skim lessons on the program's main operations. These segments
show you how to make highly customized maps and GPS information
and get them into your GPS unit.
After you've gained some experience with the program, you may want
to try some advanced features. That brings us to the Command Refer-
ence, which is available only in the MapCreate 6 Help file. It contains
— in alphabetical order — the more advanced command functions in
Each entry includes a summary box briefly telling what the command
does and how to run it from the menu, toolbar or keyboard. Then, we've