Lowrance electronic 6 User Manual
Page 17

don't fit your MMC or SD card, refer to the Help file's Command Refer-
ence section for more detailed instructions on controlling file size.
GPS Data File
This file format contains all the GPS navigation information (waypoints,
event marker icons, routes and trails) used by your GPS unit and MapCre-
ate. The file extension is *.usr (for User file). By default, MapCreate first
saves a GPS Data File to the C:\Program Files\LEI\MapCreate\Data
folder, but if you prefer you can save it direct to your MMC card. If you save
elsewhere, MapCreate remembers that location the next time you save.
Since GPS data files are not encrypted, it does not matter how you move
.usr files around. As with other Windows-based files, you can freely drag
and drop these files back and forth from the hard drive to any MMC.
You can open and make changes in a GPS Data File once it has been
created. The contents can include any combination of waypoints, routes,
trails and event marker icons. The information shows up graphically on
the Master Map as symbols with names. The same information is also
available as text in a list window, such as the Waypoint List window.
Your GPS unit saves field-collected GPS information in the same for-
mat so MapCreate can be used to save valuable travel or adventure
data for a later trip. This also makes it easy to exchange GPS data with
friends using Lowrance or Eagle GPS equipment.
ASCII Text File
This is a universal text file format compatible with word processors and
other software. MapCreate can exchange routes and waypoint lists with
other mapping programs by importing and exporting GPS information
as comma-delimited ASCII text files. ASCII (pronounced "ask-ee") uses
the *.txt file extension. You don't need to work with these files, unless
you plan to exchange routes and waypoints between MapCreate and
other mapping programs. If you want to create a text file manually, or
if you need to manually edit a route or waypoint text file, this is the
waypoint position format MapCreate will export or import:
[latitude],[space][longitude],[space][waypoint name]
Each position is written in degree (decimal) format. For North lati-
tudes, use the latitude with no preceding symbol. For South latitudes, a
minus sign must precede the number, like this: –latitude.
For East longitudes, use the longitude with no preceding symbol. For
West longitudes, a minus sign must precede the number, like this:
The first waypoint in the following example text file is N 36.06079846º,
W 95.78354912º.