Registering user fingerprints, Lacie safe hard drive user manual page 1 – LaCie SAFE User Manual

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LaCie SAFE Hard Drive

User Manual

page 1

Configuring Your LaCie SAFE Drive

Click on an unselected finger to begin register-

ing a fingerprint. Click Next to continue. The

swipe dialogue appears.

This dialogue will request that you swipe the

selected finger over the fingerprint sensor. If

the swipe is successful, the dialog prompts you

to swipe the same finger a second and third

time for confirmation.

Your finger should lie flat in the recess. Make

sure the top of your finger touches the top of

the recess and slide it down slowly. For more

on how to use the fingerprint sensor see section


How to Use the Fingerprint Sensor


When you have successfully swiped your fin-

ger three times, the swipe dialog displays three

check marks and then closes.

Once your fingerprint is successfully registered,

the dialogue closes and you’ll be returned to

the main Fingerprints registration screen. Now

you’ll need to register a second fingerprint.





5.3. Registering User Fingerprints

Swipe dialogue


If the swipe is not

successful, you’ll get an error dialog stating

that the swipe registration failed. Consult

section 10.

Troubleshooting the Fingerprint


if you cannot get a successful swipe

after several attempts.


Each user must reg-

ister at least two fingerprints in order to use

the drive. That way, if one finger is injured

and must be bandaged, the user will still be

able to access the drive.


Screenshots may be

differ slightly on your computer.

Begin fingerprint registration