Lexmark C 720 User Manual
Page 11

March 2001
Page 11
Color Business Report
DankaWare Software Providers
Alto Imaging Technologies, Inc. (Mobile, AL)
Alto Imaging provides products and services which constitute full end-to-end document imaging systems with a focus on a true
open-systems architecture
Image Arranger is a capture manager covering a range of requirements for converting paper and film-based informa-
tion to digital formats. It offers simultaneous multiple document and image viewing with convenient drag and drop,
image editing, conversion.
UltraDoc serves as a database setup and configuration utility which allows users to set up search, view and retrieval
configurations. UltraDoc includes a number of other built-in features for creating and initializing standard SQL
database tables.
UltraPrint is designed to provide a number of services for a production-class copier/printer system. It can be scaled
in cost and performance to match systems ranging from 40 images per minute to 300+ images per minute. It accepts
postscript, PCL and image documents for printing at high speeds (color and monochrome). The printing services also
include support for job and queue control as well as full job-ticketing for controlling the production process.
UltraNet is the printer management component for UltraPrint. It allows a user to identify, connect, and configure
network-connected printers.
UltraCopy presents a familiar copier interface for local “scan-to-print” copying, allowing users to reproduce docu-
ments in a variety of forms—paper to paper, paper to digital storage, digital storage to paper, and fax.
American PrintWare, Inc. (San Juan Capistrano, CA)
A product line of server-based software that converts Xerox Legacy XES/UDK and DJDE/Metacode and IBM’s IPDS and line
printer data to PCL, PostScript and TIFF acceptable formats. PalServe, DJDEServe, 4235Serve, IPDSServe, DocWeaver,
DocCluster, DocBuilder, DocSpooler, and SocketPrinting are products specifically designed to assist the corporate user in
distributing mainframe generated Xerox and IBM-based printing information across an enterprise-wide distributed data
processing network.
Network Printing Solutions, Ltd. (London, England)
NPS Ltd. provides an NT-based software solution for monitoring all print activity on a local network as well as walk-up copier
activity. The JASPrint Solutions suite of software applications permits printer auditing, cost recovery, and access control of
printers. The software is comprised of three main packages:
JASPrint is a print auditing system that allows network administrators to monitor and control the use of shared printers.
JAS Traffic Cop is a print management system that gives network administrators the ability to manage print traffic to
individual network printers.
JAS Document RIP Manager creates reports based on print activity.
Objectif Lune (Rutherford, NJ)
A family of variable data printing products for personalized printing.
PlanetPress is a PostScript program generator which downloads “intelligent forms” to a printer. While resident in the
printer itself, these intelligent forms are capable of parsing, formatting and conditionally displaying images from
simple ASCII data stream.
PlanetImage is a PC-based software that simulates the printer and creates an intelligent form image file from the
same data stream. These files are in an industry standard format such as PDF, CCITT, or TIFF.
PlanetFax is a software that simulates INTELLIGENT FORMS and faxes it through an inexpensive fax-board to a
number which is embedded in the data stream. PlanetFax is fast and simple to use. Learn how you can create mass
fax mailings from simple data files with all the graphics you want.
PlanetWatch offers automated PC-based capture, printing and distribution functions to the whole PlanetPress family
of products. With PlanetWatch, users can capture data from any platform, and send the data stream with intelligent
forms to trigger any network or locally attached printer.
Source: Danka Business Systems PLC
those made by Imations Matchprint color proofing
system, is installed on the Matchprint Professional
Server. The system supports Adobe PostScript 3 printing,
and Pantone color matching, as well as several press
simulations, including SWOP, Euroscale, and
(continued on page 12)
Commercial. The server uses an 800-MHz Intel Pentium
III processor; there are 512 MB of RAM and two 9-GB
hard drives for memory. It runs on the Windows NT
platform, and can be connected to a 10/100Base-T