Karcher WATERCLEAN 600 CD User Manual

Page 21

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WTC 600 LP / MP


Service Handbook 08.2004


Mixing Chlorine, Flocculation Agent and Antiscalant


First fill of the metering tanks

The first time they are filled, the metering tanks are filled with 30 litres of chlorine-free water.
This is taking from the reverse osmosis at the drinking water sampling tap (1/12).

For the first fill of the metering tank, the system is switched to disinfection mode and set to the
following flow rates:

- Drinking water: 100 l/h

- Concentrate: 600 l/h

During the disinfection operating mode, all confirmation queries are switched off!
Observe the pressure downstream of the fine filer: as soon as it is less than 2 bar
pressure, immediately switch off the system. The high-pressure pump is running dry!

Use the prescribed system yield (50% or 75%) and the water analysis to determine each of the
chemical quantities for a 30 litre metering solution according to Chap. 3.2 to 3.5, add to the tanks
and mix well.

Switch the system to operation mode.

3.2.2 Pre-chlorination

Only use drinking water to dilute the original chlorine product upstream of the
chlorination point. This water is taken from the drinking water tap (1/4.21).

1. Take the system yield (50% or 75%) from the evaluation of the untreated water analysis.

2. Take the analysis values for iron (Fe), manganese (Mn) and ammonium (NH3 or NH4 ) in mg/l

from the untreated water analysis.

3. Iron content:

____ x 0,4 = ______

Manganese content:

____ x 0,6 = ______

Ammonium content:

____ x 8,0 = ______

Basic requirement:




4. For 50% yield:

Total x 192 = ____ ml RM 852 per 10 litre metering solution


Total x 51


= ____ ml calcium hypochlorite (1ml corresponds to 1.05g) per 10 litres metering solution