KVH Industries LF User Manual
Page 46

8. Record the Cold Sky Average and the RFGAIN
value reported in Step 7.
9. Type
. The system will re-initialize using
the new RFGAIN and RFOFFSET scale factors
displayed following Step 7.
10. Wait for the system to perform the background
noise calculation. Read the Average Noise Level
value from the messages transmitted out the
maintenance port. This value must be greater than
300 and less than 1300. An example of the message
sequence and format is as follows:
*** Averaging Background Noise ***
Average Noise Level = 750
Noise Threshold = 1450
11. Wait for the system to search for, find the satellite,
enter Tracking Mode and track the satellite for a
minimum of 30 seconds. Record the average RF
signal value reported from the +POS: AZ, EL, RF
messages. An example of the message sequence
and format is as follows:
+POS: 154.5 33.2 2521
12. The RF signal values while tracking shall be
greater than 2000 and less than 3000.
54-0194 Rev. D