Restoring the library configuration, Restoring the configuration via usb, Restoring the configuration via the rlc – Spectra Logic T50E User Manual

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Restoring the Library Configuration


Restoring the Library Configuration

After the library restarts, restore the partition definitions and library configuration
settings using one of the following methods.

ƒ Via USB—Restore the configuration you previously saved to a USB storage device

or uploaded to a file on a computer.


If you were unable to save the configuration to a USB, reconfigure
the library using the information that you wrote down in You do
not have a Valid Backup Library Configuration
on page 5.

ƒ Via the Remote Library Controller (RLC)—Re-enter the partition configurations

and other library configuration settings as described below.

ƒ Via Gathered Information—If there is no stored configuration, or if the restoration

of the configuration from the USB key fails, use the information that you gathered
in You do not have a Valid Backup Library Configuration.

Restoring the Configuration via USB

1. Insert the USB device with the saved configuration into one of the USB ports in the

back of the library (see Figure 1).

2. Select Maintenance > Utilities > Tools > Advanced > Next.

3. Select the Restore Configuration from USB and RUN this test. The library power-cycles

after this utility completes.

If you do not have a saved configuration on the USB device, but have one saved in
email or on your local system, you must set up networking and then access the library
via the RLC to restore the configuration saved in email or on your local system.

Restoring the Configuration via the RLC

1. Log into the library front panel with superuser or administrator privileges.

2. Determine your network address requirements (Static or Dynamic).

ƒ Dynamic IP addressing is the default setting.
ƒ To change the address to static, select Menu > Configuration > Network. Set the

static address.