Operation – Samsung SF-5800P User Manual

Page 6

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Receiving Automatically in ANS/FAX Mode ___________ 2.19

If Your Machine is Out of Paper
When it Receives a Fax-Receiving into Memory _______ 2.20
Distinctive Ring Pattern Detection (DRPD) ___________ 2.20

Polling _____________________________________________ 2.21

What is Polling? __________________________________ 2.21
Being Polled By a Remote Machine __________________ 2.21

Adding Documents To the Job to be polled ___________ 2.22

Polling One or More Remote Machines ______________ 2.23

Making a Copy

_____________________________________ 2.25

Making a Copy _____________________________________ 2.25

Automatic Dialing

__________________________________ 2.27

One-Touch Dialing __________________________________ 2.27

Storing a Number for One-Touch Dialing ____________ 2.27
Sending a Fax Using a One-Touch Number __________ 2.28
Using Address Label ______________________________ 2.28

Speed Dialing _______________________________________ 2.29

Storing a Number for Speed Dialing ________________ 2.29
Sending a Fax Using a Speed Number _______________ 2.29

Group Dialing (for Multi-Address Transmission) ________ 2.30

Storing One-Touch or Speed Dial Numbers for
Group Dialing ___________________________________ 2.30
Storing a Group into a One-Touch Button ____________ 2.31
Sending a Fax Using Group Dialing
(Multi-Address Transmission) ______________________ 2.31

Searching for a Number in Memory ___________________ 2.32

Searching Sequentially through Memory ____________ 2.32
Searching for a Particular First Letter _______________ 2.32

Chapter 2

