Reference – Samsung E330 User Manual
Page 85
5.2 Orange accepts no liability for the
temporary non-availability of its
network, loss, late receipt or non-
readability of any transmission or other
5.3 Orange reserves the right to amend
these Terms and Conditions from time
to time. Any alteration or addition to
these Terms shall take effect
immediately once posted on Any
continued use of the Game after such
publication means that you will be
deemed to have accepted such
5.4 We reserve the right to cease
provision of the Game at any time.
5.5 Only one Game may be stored on
your phone at any time, in addition to
the Game already stored on your
phone at the time it is registered to
the Orange network.
5.6 The downloading of the Game is
subject to availability and may be
affected by the volume of users from
time to time or by network
congestion. Orange’s Standard
Network Terms and Condition
continue to apply in parallel with these
Terms and Conditions.
5.7 You must only use the Game for your
own personal use, and not for any
commercial purpose.
You agree only to access, download
and use the Game in accordance with
Orange’s security measures relating to
its network and billing, and the source
code of the Game, and will not attempt
to circumvent such security measures.
All trademarks and trade names are the
properties of their respective owners.
All rights are reserved by the respective
Orange Value Promise
Terms and Conditions
Competitor tariff: A popular published,
currently available, monthly paid contract
digital tariff available in the UK from O2 (UK)
Limited (formerly British
Telecommunications Mobile
Communications Ltd), Vodafone Retail Ltd
& T-Mobile (formerly One 2 One). For the
avoidance of doubt this excludes O2
(Online) Limited tariffs.
OVP: Orange Value Promise
Service Plan: The scale of charges for
using a mobile phone
Additional Services: Optional services
which cost extra whether they are supplied
in conjunction with competitor tariffs or
outside competitor tariffs
2.1 OVP applies to Competitors' tariffs for
voice, answerphone, standard WAP
and standard person to person text
messaging on other UK digital
networks. It includes standard data
calls at 9.6 kb per second. OVP
excludes High Speed Data at 28.8 kb
per second and GPRS calls.
2.2 Services will provide generally the
same functionality of the Competitor's
product but specifications may differ.
Competitor’s own branded e-
commerce and Additional Services are
not offered with OVP
2.3 For a list of current OVP tariffs please
2.4 Once our Competitors close an OVP
equivalent tariff for new connections,
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