Cleaning procedure for large areas - automated, Other important instructions for all lexan sheets, Graffiti removal from lexan* margard* sheet – Servis-Rhino BOOM ROTARY MOWER 2160 User Manual

Page 177: Proper torque for fasteners, Maintenance

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2160 06/11

Maintenance Section 5-17

©2011 Alamo Group Inc.


Cleaning Procedure for Large Areas - Automated


Clean the surface using a high-pressure water cleaner (max. 10Obar or 1,450psi) and/or a steam cleaner.
We suggest that a test be made on a small area, prior to cleaning the entire sheet


Use of additives to the water and/or steam should be avoided.

Other Important Instructions for All Lexan Sheets:

Never use abrasive or highly alkaline cleaner on Lexan polycarbonate materials.

Never use aromatic or halogenated solvents like toluene, benzene, gasoline, acetone or carbon
tetrachloride on Lexan polycarbonate materials.

Use of incompatible cleaning materials with Lexan sheet can cause structural and/or surface damage.

Contact with harsh solvents such as methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) or hydrochloric acid can result in surface
degradation and possible crazing of Lexan sheet.

Never scrub with brushes, steel wool or other abrasive materials.

Never use squeegees, razor blades or other sharp instruments to remove deposits or spots.

Do not clean Lexan polycarbonate in direct sunlight or at high temperatures as this can lead to staining.

For all mentioned chemicals consult the manufacturer's material safety data sheet (MSDS) for proper
safety precautions.

Additional Important Considerations for Multiwall, Corrugated and Sign Sheet:

Cleaners and solvents generally recommended for use on polycarbonate are not necessarily compatible
with the UV-protected surfaces of Lexan multiwall, corrugated and sign polycarbonate materials.

Do not use alcohols on the UV-protected surfaces of Lexan sheet.

Never clean the Dripgard surface of Lexan multiwall and corrugated sheets

Graffiti removal from Lexan* Margard* sheet

Use butyl cellosolve with a clean, soft cloth to remove paints, marking pen inks and lipstick. Afterwards,
wash the sheet using mild soap and lukewarm water, then rinse with clean water to remove residue and
dry with a soft cloth.

Masking tape and adhesive tape work well for lifting off old, weathered paints.

To remove labels stickers, the use of kerosene or petroleum ether (BP65) is generally effective. If the
solvent does not penetrate the sticker material, apply heat using a hair dryer to soften the adhesive and
promote removal. Afterwards the cleaning procedure for small areas as outlined above


The chart lists the correct tightening torque for fasteners. When bolts are to be tightened or replaced, refer to
this chart to determine the grade of bolts and the proper torque except when specific torque values are
assigned in manual text.


NOTE: These values apply to fasteners as received from supplier, dry or when lubricated with normal engine
oil. They do not apply if special graphitic or molydisulphide greases or other extreme pressure lubricants are
used. This applies to both UNF fine and UNC coarse threads.