Sample sequencer – SentrySafe SPD 5.5.5 User Manual
Page 64

Sample Sequencer
Appendix B
Recommended Piping for Sample Sequencer System
It is recommended proper sample conditioning and flow control be maintained to obtain representative
samples. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) guidelines for representative sampling
recommend maintaining constant and continuous sample flow in sample lines. In addition, it is
recommended the sample be cooled to 77 F (25 C) temperature prior to analysis. (Note: Some
analyzers may recommend a different sample temperature be used to accelerate the analysis process.
) Appropriate sample coolers or heaters may be required. Consult the pressure and temperature
specifications for your specific analyzer and sampling system. Figure B1 shows the recommended
sample conditioning piping and instrumentation diagram (P & ID) when switching streams with the
Sample Sequencer.
Figure B1 - Recommended Sample Conditioning
for Switching Streams to an Analyzer
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