SmartBridges sB3021 User Manual

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Nexus PRO™ User Guide

8.1.2 Reset


All reset options power cycles the device and restarts the whole system.

Reset: To reset the device. The device will reboot with the current configuration/values.

Reset to Defaults: To reset the device to factory default configuration values.

Delayed Reset: To reset the device at a particular time or on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. The

current time can be set by specifying a NTP server (there is one already specified
by default) and the time zone; ensure that the NTP server is reachable. After
enabling the delayed reset,

specify a time which is valid in reference to current

time. When

recurrence is set on a daily/weekly/monthly basis,, the reference is

made with the first set time i.e. reset time.

Figure 8-3 Delayed Reset Settings

For delayed reset, follow the steps below:

1. Select date from the calendar that has been provided.

2. Select the recurrence.

3. Click

Apply Changes

button to change the settings.

4. To disable ‘Delayed Reset’, check the relevant box.