SmartBridges sB3021 User Manual
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i n t e l l i g e n t w i r e l e s s p l a t f o r m
Nexus PRO™ User Guide
2.9.2 Wireless
The wireless parameters need to be configured to allow the Remote Router/NAT airHaul
Nexus PRO
unit to associate with the Root Bridge unit.
Follow these steps below to configure the Remote Router/NAT Mode Wireless IP Settings
1. Click on the ‘Wireless IP Configuration’ link from the ‘Summary Information’ page.
2. Enter the wireless ‘IP address’, ‘IP Mask’ and ‘Gateway IP’ address for the airHaul
PRO unit.
3. Check the ‘Enable DHCP’ checkbox to obtain an IP address automatically from network.
4. Click on the ‘Apply Changes’ to change the settings.
Figure 2-41 Remote Router/NAT Wireless IP Configuration