SmartBridges sB3021 User Manual

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Nexus PRO™ User Guide

Table 7-2 Wireless Traffic Statistics

Wireless Traffic Statistics

Transmit Success Rate

No of successfully transmitted unicast and multicast

Transmit Multiple retry

No of unicast MPDUs successfully transmitted after two or
more retries.

Transmit Retry rate

No of unicast MPDUs successfully transmitted after one

Transmitted Failure count

No of unicast MPDUs for which the maximum number of
retries were exceeded.

Received Success Rate

No of successfully received unicast MPDUs

Received Duplicate Rate

No of successfully received unicast MPDUs that were a
duplicate of earlier frames.

Received Frame FCS Error Count

No of unsuccessfully received frames

ACK Receives Failure Count

No of frame transmissions for which an acknowledgement
response frame was expected but not received.

RTS Fail

No of transmitted RTS frames for which no response CTS
frame was received.

No of Aborted Frames

No of frames that are aborted by the radio.
An aborted frame occurs when it experiences a brief or
permanent internal error that interrupts the transmission of
the frame.

No of PHY Aborted Frames

No of PHY aborted frames

when lmac drops frames.

This can happen only when PLCP checksum failure

Note: The wireless statistics is also accessible from the ‘Radio Configuration’ bottom page.