SmartBridges sB3021 User Manual

Page 68

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i n t e l l i g e n t w i r e l e s s p l a t f o r m



Nexus PRO™ User Guide

Valid Key

Chooses which key in the key table is used for authentication: 1 – 4
This value must be match between the root device and the Client.

Key Table

Display / Set WEP keys
A maximum of four keys can be set.

Follow the steps below to configure the Data Encryption parameters:

1. Click


‘Security’ link from the ‘Radio Main’ page of the desired radio.

2. Click


‘Enable’ button on the WEP.

3. Choose the Authentication as ‘Open System’ or ‘Shared Key’ by clicking on the radio button.

4. Choose a WEP Key Size (64 Bits or 128 Bits) from the dropdown menu. WEP key length is

10 characters for 64 Bits and 26 characters for 128 Bits.

5. Choose a Valid Key from the dropdown menu.

6. Enter the WEP key in the Key Table entries.

7. Click


’Apply Changes’ button to change the settings.

: The system will validate the key entries and provide error or warning notifications.

The user must enter the key indicated by the Valid Key selection.

Figure 2-53 WEP Only Configuration