SmartBridges sB3021 User Manual

Page 45

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i n t e l l i g e n t w i r e l e s s p l a t f o r m



Nexus PRO™ User Guide

The following table summarizes the information for the wireless settings.

Table 2-3 Wireless Settings

Page Items



This is the current SSID.

The user can change the SSID. The SSID is a unique identifier
that wireless networking devices use to establish and maintain
wireless connectivity. It is case sensitive and can contain up to 32
alphanumeric characters. Do not include special characters in the


This is the current radio regulatory domain.

The user can choose the appropriate domain. The dropdown
menu shows a list of domains supported by the radio. Different
domains will show different channel lists.


This is the current radio channel in the selected domain.

The user can choose other channels from the dropdown list.
For a more consistent performance after a site survey, we
recommend that the user select a non-overlapping channel setting
for the radio. The radio channel settings correspond to the
frequencies available in the user regulatory domain.

Note: There should be a minimum separation of 40MHZ between
the two radio channels.


Dial-a-Power is used to set the output power of the radio at the N

The valid radio power range is from -5 dBm to 23 dBm.

Antenna Gain

This is the gain of the antenna attached with the airHaul



PRO unit. The gain input here is merely for the purpose of display
and for calculating the EIRP.

The user can select anywhere between 2.2dBi to 30 dBi.

RF cable Loss

This refers to the loss of a cable connecting antenna to the


Nexus PRO unit


Lists all associated clients and its link status.

Note: The default value for Dial-a-Power is 18 dBm for FCC domain.

At high TX power levels, the radio tends to distort EVM due to the amplifier saturation and this
affects throughput. If that happens, use a value lower than the maximum power level value,
especially in the 5 GHz band.

Note: The default security of Root Bridge Mode is ACL+WEP so any WDS client or normal client

needs to be added in the ACL either with WEP disabled/Enabled.