B.5 class descriptions, Class descriptions – Schneider Optics Web Embedded Server User Manual

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Ethernet Developers Guide

840 USE 115 00 Version 1.0



Class Descriptions

The following list describes the different classes:


CSample_app. The Csample_app is the application class. This application
was generated by the application wizard, and the source is in the file
sam_app.cpp. The class declaration is in sam_app.h.


CMainFrame. The CMainFrame is derived from the MFC class
CMDIFrameWnd and is the application’s main window frame. The source for
CMainFrame is in mainfrm.cpp, and the declaration is in mainfrm.h. The code
for CMainFrame was initially generated by the application wizard, and was
modified to process window timer messages.


CSample_doc. The CSample_doc is the document class. The declaration is
in sam_doc.h and the implementation is in sam_doc.cpp.


CSample_View. The CSample_View is the view of the document. It is
derived from the CScrollView class. The declaration is in the sam_vw.h class,
and it is implemented in the sam_vw.cpp, disp.cpp, tcp_hlp.cpp, and the
tx_rx.cpp files.


CIP_dig. The CIP_dlg class is the dialog class for getting the IP address. It is
derived from the CDialog class. The declaration is in the cip_dlg.h file and the
implementation is in the cip_dlg.cpp file. Both of these files were generated by
The Visual C++ class wizard.


ClrStatsDlg. The ClrStatsDlg class is the dialog class for clearing statistics. It
is derived from the CDialog class. The declaration is in the cstatdlg.h file and
the implementation is in the cstatdlg.cpp. Both of these files were generated by
The Visual C++ class wizard.


GetStatsDlg. The GetStatsDlg class is the dialog class for get statistics. It is
derivied from the CDialog class. The declaration is in the gstatdlg.h file and the
implementation is in the gstatdlg.cpp file. Both of these files were generated
by The Visual C++ class wizard.


CPollDlg. The CPollDlg class is the dialog class for determining the poll
period. It is derived from the CDialog class. The declaration is in the polldlg.h
file, and the implementation is in the polldlg.cpp file. Both of these files were
generated by The Visual C++ class wizard.