Search and playback (continued) – Swann DVR8-2500 User Manual
Page 18

Search and Playback (continued)
FIle List
In the FILE LIST screen you can view each video pack, listed in chronological
You can set a filter to view files for a specific channel or record mode. Here
you can also back up files to a USB flash drive.
The FILE LIST screen will show the channel , the start & end
time, size and record mode of the file. The final column labeled
BAK is the back-up check box.
go to the first file on the list.
go to the previous file on the list.
go to the next file on the list.
go to the last file on the list.
To filter by the channel on which the recording came from:
Using the mouse or the arrow buttons, highlight the SWITCH CHN
drop-down menu, and left click or press select.
Choose from channels 1 through 8, or ALL if you wish to see all
You will see a list of all recordings from the channel(s) you have
To filter by recording mode:
Use the mouse or the arrow buttons to highlight the TYPE drop
down menu, and left click or press select.
Choose from NORMAL, ALARM or ALL.
You will see all recordings from the channel(s) you have chosen in
that recording mode.
Playing back Recordings:
Using the mouse or the arrow buttons, highlight
the recording you wish to view, and left click or
press select.
You will be taken to the playback window.
To exit playback and return to the FILE LIST screen,
right click or use the arrow buttons to select the
menu icon and press select.
A Note on Chunk Size
The longer you set the Chunk Size to be, the fewer files
you’ll see if you enter the FILE LIST. Whilst this is conve-
nient for quickly looking through files to find a specific
time, date or event, it does mean that you’ll spend more
time fast-forwarding to get to the specific part of a re-
cording that you want.
In addition, larger Chunk Sizes increase the size of the
individual files dramatically. This can be a concern if you
are trying to back-up multiple events to a smaller USB
flash drive. If the size of your recordings is a concern,
then use a smaller Chunk Size setting.
Playing Back Multiple Channels
The DVR can playback multiple channels at once. You can
either playback one channel, two channels (via Picture-in-
Picture) or four channels simultaneously.
To do this:
Select the channel(s) you wish to view, selecting up
to four.
When playback is initialized, the selected channels will
be shown simultaneously.
To change one or more of the channels you are view-
ing, exit playback with the STOP button.
You can then select different channels to view.