Schneider Electric Modbus Plus Network Bridge Multiplexer none User Manual
Page 57

Configuring the Modbus Models
Using the V1 Screen
Select the port you want to configure. For example, enter P4 to select
Port 4 and make it the active port.
Your currently selected port is shown on the bottom line of the screen.
Specify the port type by entering T with one of the following types:
M (Master), S (Slave), N (Network), or X (Silent Master). For example,
enter TS to setup the currently active port as a slave port. A Silent
Master port will be labeled `xmaster' on the screen.
Specify the port communication parameters you want to use. For
example, enter B9600 to set the port for 9600 baud.
You can also enter the complete command sequence as a string,
separated by spaces.
To configure Port 4 as a Slave port, Device Address 230, 9600 baud,
1 Stop Bit, Even Parity, RTU, Port Priority 4, 60 seconds Link Timeout,
and No Modem Booster, you would enter the following command string:
P4 TS N230 B9600 S1 RE MR Y4 L600 FN