Sierra Wireless PINPOINT X HSUPA User Manual
Page 28
Hardware Installation of the PinPoint X
Rev 4.0 Oct.09
Figure 4-5: Serial
The serial port of your PinPoint X can be connected directly to
most computers or other devices using a standard straight
through cable. If you have a DCE device, you will need a null
modem or null modem cable.
Figure 4-6: USB
Your PinPoint X’s full‐speed (12 Mbit) USB 2.0 port can be
connected directly to most computers or other devices using a
standard full‐speed USB 2.0 cable. If the computer or device
you are connecting or the cable is not rated for full‐speed, the
modem will communicate at a reduced speed to match. The
PinPoint X functions as a device, not a host.
When it is connected to a computer, the USB port should be
seen as a COM port or Ethernet port after the applicable driver
is installed.
The PinPoint X has a standard B connector.
Figure 4-7: I/O
Your PinPoint X also has an I/O port with digital inputs, analog
inputs, and relay outputs which can be connected to external
The I/O port can use an optional I/O harness available through
Sierra Wireless.