General warnings, Fuel selection, Autolite start-up and operation – Sierra Products EF-4001B User Manual
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Figure 11
The EASYFIRE Pellet Stove and Insert has been
designed and approved for burning w oo d p ellet fu el on ly.
Bu rning solid fu el in oth er for m s is not pe rm itted and w ill
void all warranties.
NEVER use gasoline, gasoline-type lantern fuels,
kerosene, charcoal lighter fluid, or similar liquids to start or
"freshen up" a fire. Keep all such liquids well away from the
heater while it is in use.
Ashes must be disposed of in a metal container with a
tight fitting lid and placed on a noncombustible floor or
grou nd , we ll away fr om all fu els , pe nd ing fina l dispo sa l.
This heate r, whe n insta lled, m us t be electrica lly gro un de d in
accordance with local codes or, in the absence of local
codes, with the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70-
Provide adequate clearances around air openings into the
combu stion chamber and adequate accessibility clearance for
servicing and prope r operation. Never obstruct the front
opening of the hea ter.
The pellet heater must be operated with a power source
and will not operate using natural draft. If there is a power
failure the heater will shut down. If the 12 volt back-up system
is insta lled, the heate r will autom atic ally switc h to 12 volt
power. An optional back up batter y is available fo r the unit
which lasts a pp roxim ate ly 48 hrs on high and 72 hrs on low.
A bigger battery may be purchased if desired for longer
The EasyFire Pellet Heater has been listed by OMN I-Test
Laboratories, Inc. to ASTM, U.L.,and EPA Standards.
Proper fue l selec tion is im portant for overall ope ration. Your
stove operates best with 1/4" diam eter wood pe llets that are
no longer than 3/4" long. The pellets shou ld be spe cifica lly
manufactured for use pellet heaters. Use of fuel non-
conforming fue l will cause the sto ve to o pe rate e rra tica lly.
Ad ditio na lly, a low ash conte nt o f be low 1% is required and
will reduce your cleaning and maintenance time. Sto re pe llets
in a clean dry area. Do not use pellets that have been damp
or have a moisture level above 5%.
The quality of pellet fuel va ries fro m bran d to bra nd . This will
affect the efficiency of your heater. W e sugge st that you try
several brand s u ntil you find one th at g ives you a clean eff i-
cient burn. Poor quality pellets will burn rich with black soot
and ash w ill accu m ulate q uic kly. Qu ality pellets will burn clean
an d ash build up w ill be m inim al.
Refer to Installation and Op eration m anua l provided with
the unit for standard match lighting and 12V operations.
1. AutoLite Start-Up:
Prior to operating your AutoLite stove, make sure the
hop per is full of wo od p ellets and th e interio r com pon ents
hav e be en ins talled prope rly including ; burn screen & po t,
heat exch ange co vers, and ash drawer.
IMPORTANT: The Fire Pot must be seated flush and
must sit even in the pot tray. Air leaking around the Fire Pot
will create a poor burn (Figure 11). Light the pellets in Fire
Pot using any approve d pellet lighter.
Note: Caution must be taken when installing burn pot or
operating door not to damage ceramic glass. Do not
attempt to operate heater if glass becomes dam aged in any
wa y!
2. AutoLite Control Functions: Control functions on the
Easyfire are as follows: OFF, FAN, LOW , MEDIUM, HIGH,
CLEAN. Here is how each function works:
W hen the Control Button is turned to FAN , a tim er is
activa ted a nd you will have abo ut ten (10) m inutes to
get the pellets lit and reach a minimum tem perature.
This function is used for match lighting when the AC
pow er is out.
Should the pellets not light in 10 minutes simply turn the
button to OFF and begin again. This will give you
another 10 minutes to get the pellets lit. The reason for
the tim er fun ctio n is so tha t the heate r will autom atic ally
shut down if the fire goes out. Pellets do not feed in the
FAN position.
In the LOW position, the EASYFIRE will be feeding
approximately 1 to 1½ lbs. of pellets per hour and the
flam e will fluctu ate b etwe en 1 " and 6" in he ight.