Hi temp/flue and trim indicators – Sierra Products EF-4001B User Manual

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The EASYFIRE will automatically switch to 12 volt backup

provided you have the 12 volt option installed.

deactivate the timer you will have to start over by turning the
knob to off and then back to FAN or LOW.

2. P ro ble m : The heater was lit and burning properly, then

suddenly it stopped feeding pellets.

Solution: a) C he ck pellet s up ply in hopp er. If em pty, fill
and follow start-up procedure as outlined in the beginning
of this m an ua l. b) O cc as ionally, a for eign obje ct, debris
or an excessive amount of sawdust can enter the feed
mechanism and jam the feed chute. If this happens, you
must em pty the hopper and check the feed chute to see
what is causing the jam. Rem ove any foreign material or
obje ct an d re-start th e he ater. CAUTION: Keep fingers
and hands clear of feed mechanism when heater is on.

3. P ro ble m : Th e fire w as b urnin g we ll and the n it beg an to

overfeed pellets and started backing up into the pellet
feed chute, smothering the fire.

Solution: W he n th e pellets a re overfeed ing, it us ua lly
m eans that the air flow has been red uced. Ch eck the F ire
Pot air intak e ho les to b e su re the y are clear. C hec k to
see if Fire P ot wa s pro perly se ated in pot tra y. Che ck to
see if the manifold may have filled with Fly-ash. If you
use a low g rade pellet, an d clink ers (fus ed a sh a nd d irt)
form in the botto m of the Fire P ot, it will cho ke the air
intak e (you m ight co nsider ch ang ing the bran d of p ellets
to one that burns cleaner). You must let the fire go out
before rem oving and clean ing the Fire P ot.

Ne ve r va cuum ou t the hea ter w hen th e he ater is in
operation! The hot ashes can lodge in your vacuum
cleaner and cause a fire!

You must clean the manifold regularly in order to insure a

good air to fuel ratio, thus allowing the heater to "breathe"
properly. You must also check the vent pipe and tee to see
that they are not clogged and full of ash.

4. P ro ble m : Heater was burning well and then soot began

form ing on the glass door.

Solution: Black soot forming on the glass door means
that the combustion is not right and the heater needs a
good clean out. Some brands of pellets burn much richer
than others and you might have to change brands of
pellets and/or have the air/fuel settings re-adjusted by
your dealer. It is normal to have the glass cloud up after
several hours of burning but it should wipe off with a
go od win do w c leane r. If the glass turns black quick ly,
then the heate r nee ds a goo d clea n ou t.

5. P ro ble m : W e had a power failure and the heater

emitted smok e for about five minutes.

Solution: If the heater emits smoke during a power
failure, and you have frequent power failures then we
suggest you purchase the battery back-up system. If the

vent pipe is installed according to these instructions the
smok e will syphon out of the pipe in most instances.

6. P ro ble m : After several week s of outstanding perfor-

mance, the heater suddenly stopped and the red light
under the control knob came on. This light is the Hi
Te m p/Flu e Ind icator Light.

Solution: The Hi-Temp/Flue Indicator light indicates that
Fly-as h has built up in the exh au st s yste m and/o r there is
a restriction in the exhaust/flue system. Check the pipe
system for excessive ash and clogging, particularly the
vent cap. Remove the clean out cap on the tee and
make sure that ash has not blocked the exhaust air flow.
This automatic shut down in case of flue clogging is a
safety feature and if the shut down occurs it means you
have a problem and should consult a service technician
and/or clean your pipe and heater thoroughly. If you feel
the Fly-ash build up is excessive, we sugg est that you try
another brand. In moist climates the pellets and Fly-ash
can actu ally abso rb m oistur e from the air and crea te
creo so te a nd a severe clogging problem . Ke ep this in
mind when you store and handle your pellets. The heater
warranty does not cover the quality of the fuels used or
the way they may be han dled either before or after you've
purchased them.

7. P ro ble m : I turned off the switch and the heater kept


Solution: This is normal. The exhaust blower will keep
runn ing until it cools down and th en it will auto m atic ally
turn off. This can vary by the temperature the exhaust
has reac hed and the temp erature of the cooling air.


W hen the H i-Te m p/Flu e indicator ligh t com es o n (red lite

beneath control knob) it means that the flue is obstructed or
you have a re verse draft and gase s c an no t ex it prop erly.
Maintenance is required and a thorough cleaning and pipe
check m ust be performed.

TRIM button : Underneath the control knob you will find a
sm all ro un d butto n th at w ill turn fo rward and rev erse . This
bu tton can con trol the fee d m oto r in th e LOW positio n only.
By turning the button clockwise you can increase the feed
on LOW and by turning it counterclockwise you can
decrease the feed in the LOW position.

M ove this button carefully! It is designed to fine tune
your L OW setting in the e ven t you ch ang e bra nds of pe llets
and/or live at a higher elevation.