Maintenance procedure – Sierra Products EF-4001B User Manual

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Figure 14

Note: Caution must be taken when installing burn pot
or operating door not to damage ceramic glass. Do not
atte m pt to op erate he ater if glas s be com es d am aged in
any w ay!

2. Control Functions: Control functions on the Eas yfire
are as follows: OFF, FAN, LOW , MEDIUM, HIGH, CLEAN.
Here is how each function works:


W hen the Control is set to FAN , a timer is activated
and you will have about ten (10) minutes to get the
pellets lit and rea ch a m inim um tem pera ture.

Should the pellets not light in the 10 m inutes simp ly turn
the knob to OFF and begin again. This will give you
another 10 minutes to get the pellets lit. The reason for
the tim er fun ctio n is so tha t the heate r will autom atic ally
shut down if the fire goes out. Pellets do not feed in the
FAN position.


In the LOW position, the EASYFIRE will be feeding
approximately 1 to 1½ lbs. of pellets per hour and the
flam e will fluctu ate b etwe en 1 " and 6" in he ight.


In the MEDIUM position the EASYFIRE will be
feeding approximately three (3) pounds of pellets per
hour and the flame will fluctuate between 3" and 8" of


In the HIGH position the EASYFIRE will be feeding
ap prox im ate ly 4 lbs. p er hour and th e fla m e w ill
fluctuate between 3" and a full flame. The fan speed
will increa se acco rdingly as the heate r au tom atic ally
adjusts itself based on temperature inside the heater
(see G below).


The CL EAN position is to be used only when the
heater is not burning and you wish to clean out the
accumulated ash in the front of the fire area. See
CLEAN OUT section of maintenance instructions.


After the heater is running for several hours and you
wish to turn it off simply turn the knob to OFF. The
heater will continue running until it cools down
and then will automatically shut itself down


REMEMBER: Eac h fee d po sition w ill fluctu ate
be ca us e th e m icrop roce ss or is auto m atic ally
ad jus ting the fee d and air b as ed on tem pe rature. T his
m ea ns the pellet fee d ra te a nd flam e height w ill
change accordingly based on quality of pellet and
heat loss of dwelling.


CAUTION: Moving parts may cause injury, DO NOT
operate with rear cover removed.

WARNING: Risk of electrical shock, disconnect all power
before servicing.


Your EASYFIRE Pellet Heater requires routine

m aintenance for m axim um perform ance an d is ma ndatory
for the warranty to re m ain in effec t.

The following procedures should be studied carefully and

performed regularly as indicated:

1. Fly-ash: Some ash will accumulate in the heat

exchanger, Fire Pot and flue and should be cleaned out
on a regu lar basis fo r bes t efficien cy and sa fety. W hen
the heater is shut down and cold, you should:


Open door and remove Heat Exchanger Cover. To
rem ove, s im ply slide up and out from retaining angle
brac ke t (Figure 12). Clea n on e side at a tim e. W ith
one slide c ove r rem ove d, leave door open and turn
control knob to the "CLEAN" position. Let heater run

until ash in Fire Pot area is vacuumed out by heater
fan. Turn off and replace cover. Rem ove remaining
cover and repeat procedure for the other side. The
vent pipe should be cleaned out after this procedure.
Rem ove the clean-out port cover (Figure 13) and
vac uum as re quire d.

b. Rem ove Fire Pot by lifting up and out, it may be

brushed out or vacuumed. Fire Pot should be
cleaned daily. Make sure holes in pot are not
clo gg ed . The are a aroun d and below the pot sh ou ld
be checked every five or six days depending on how
many hours a day you are burning your heater and
the quality of the pellets being burned. (After a few
days you will be able to determine the frequency
nee ded for clean out.)

The im po rtant th ing to rem em be r is tha t ex ce ss ive Fly-

ash accumulation will affect the efficiency of the burn.


Scrape pellet feed chu te with putty knife to rem ove
hardened material on which sawdust can