Sierra Products Pellet Heater EasyFire B User Manual

Sierra Products Tools

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EasyFire B Model Pellet Heater Quick Troubleshoot and Technical Guide

SPI’s EasyFire pellet heaters are designed to operate as a seasonal zone heater burning 1/4" wood pellet fuel. Utilizing
a 12VDC control and drive system allows for extended battery operation when AC power fails. The following outlines
the general operating param eters and trouble shooting encountered during installation and seasonal operation. Basic
operation is controlled com bustion of wood pellets m etered by the feed drive system into a burn pot and a
com bustion/convection fan m otor providing separate air for com bustion and heat exchange. This process is controlled
by a digital m ain controller which m onitors all function through two sensors and incom ing outgoing operating voltages.
Additionally, starting functions are provided by an industrial style cartridge heater located in the burn pot and both
internal and optional therm ostat.

Standard operation: W ith both 120VAC and 12VDC battery power attached and a functional pellet flue system the
heater is designed to operate continuously during the heating season. On a daily bases the heater requires fuel to be
added to the storage hopper and depending on the fuel quality, burn pot area cleaned. Starting and operating
sequences are controlled by an operating software program contained on a EPROM m em ory chip. Fuel rate is
controlled by m ode setting and trim position (standard trim knob setting is 9:00 and is located on control panel next to
operation buttons). Norm al start up and operation sum m ary follows:

Condition - Heater is cold, power connected, button to “OFF” position. Hopper door closed (safety switch closed).
External therm ostat jum ped (factory standard) or optional therm ostat closed to call for heat.


Select a run button (Low, Medium , High) and press. The LED light will shift from OFF to run button.

Feed m otor starts initial fuel shot (approx. 40 seconds) and ignitor ON. Ignitor will begin to start heating and
pass 300 degrees in 30 seconds.

B) Fan m otor starts in 60 seconds @ 3 volts providing com bustion and convection air. Feed will cycle OFF

com pleting the start up fuel shot. Sm oke will be visible norm ally visible through the door glass with in 2
m inutes.

C) Feed will cycle ON for short periods during the start cycle add sm all am ounts of fuel. Heater continue in

START UP m ode until tem perature rise is confirm ed by sensors or for a total of 10 m inutes.

If tem perature does not increase by 15C during this STARTUP phase the heater will begin the SHUTDOW N (for
further inform ation read SHUTDOW N in several paragraphs).


RUN m ode begins when tem perature rise is achieved (norm ally within 5-7 m inutes).

Fan increases based on run button selected. Feed pulses increase based on tem perature and TRIM setting.
Feed trim adjustm ent allows for a lower or higher average fuel delivery.

Initial flam e is high based on a cool heater and fuel shots provided for start up. As operating tem perature is
reached the feed pulse will decrease and flam e will drop.
B) Feed rate will vary up and down as the heater adjusts for operating tem perature. Tem perature m easured at T-

2 sensor m ounted on fan housing m anifold.

C) Heater will continue to operate as long as fuel, therm ostat setting, and operating button rem ains.

Condition - Shutting down operating heater. Selecting the OFF button or external therm ostat no longer calls for heat.

A) Feed m otor im m ediately stops. No fuel is added to the burn pot and the coals rem aining began the burn out.

Fan is reduced to shut off voltage of 5 volts and m aintained until sensor T-2 records a 20C reduction of
tem perature or 20 m inutes tim e elapses.

Other related operating parameters

Three basic functions are constantly m onitored during operation including flue drafting, operating tem peratures, and
AC power input. Blocked flue will cause an unsafe condition and will cause the unit to shut down with a steady RED
fault indication noted on the control panel. Continued high tem perature m ay cause a unsafe condition. The heater will