Troubleshooting guide – Sierra Products EF-4001B User Manual

Page 11

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Figure 15

Figure 16 Plenum Clean Out & Draft Adjustment

d. The clean-out port cover should be removed and the

vent pipe checked every four to six weeks or
whenever you utilize the clean-out mode on the
co ntrol dial.


Fly-ash can also accumulate in the vent pipe and
term ination cap . Insp ect e xha ust s ystem frequen tly to
maintain free flow of exhaust fumes and fly-ash. The
freq uen cy of c lean-out d epe nds entirely on the quality
of the pellets, so you will have to initially monitor the
buildup in the pellet vent pipe.

2. Hop per Clean Ou t: Vacuum the accumulated saw dust

in the hopper weekly. Keep free of debris and foreign
CA US E IR RE GU LAR P ELLET F EE D. F or be st res ults
this should be done on a regular basis depending upon
ho w o ften th e hea ter is use d. If you burn the heate r all
the time you should do this every eight to ten days.

3. Clea ning the E xha ust F an B lade & Hea t Exc han ger:

The exha us t blo we r sho uld be chec ke d fo r ex ce ss ive Fly-
ash buildup. Regular and routine maintenance utilizing
the CLEAN OUT feature will keep the exhaust blower
housing and fan blades clean. This cleaning can only be
don e wh en th e he ater is NO T b urnin g. Fo r bes t resu lts
run the fan in the CLEAN OUT position with the door
for approximately one minute or until ash is no
longer being picked up by the fan. Rem ember, you must
always check the clean out tee after utilizing the CLEAN
OUT feature (Figure 13).

4. Keeping the Glass Clean: If soo t dep osits acc um ulate

on the glass, clean with window glass cleaner and a
paper towel when the glass is cold.

5. Polishing the Gold and Chrom e: All chrom e and gold

plating used on the EASYFIRE heater can be cleaned
with a soft cloth and non-abrasive cleane r.

6. Cleaning & Polishing Gold Plated Parts: Gold is a soft

metal and therefore a fragile surface. Prior to the first
burn it is important to use Windex or comparable product
an d a soft clean cloth to w ipe any m arks off all gold
surfaces or the heat will cause the marks to remain in the
surface permanently. Always clean the gold surface
when the heater is COOL.

7. Doo r glass replace me nt: Should the door glass

become broken it may be replaced by scraping the sealer
from around the ou ter edge of the glass. Ca refully pry
glass from door frame then clean all sealer from fram e.
Obtain a replacement glass from your local dealer and
attach glass to door using High Temperature Silicon
Sealer (min. 400 / F). Apply sealer to all four corners of
the glass and set glass into frame. Apply sealer to mating
edge of glass and fram e. Allow two hours dry tim e before
installing doo r onto hea ter. Note: Replace with Corning
Pyro-Ceramic Glass only. Refer to parts list for

8. Plenu m c lean ou t & draft adju stme nt: Access to clean

under the burn pot is through the plenum clean out plates
on right or left side low front (Figure 16). Remove the
fastener and plate and vacuum out ash accumulations.
Ad ditio na lly, the dra ft plate is acc es sib le th roug h th is
opening and maybe turned with a long standard screw
driver clockw ise to re duc e the draft throu gh th e bu rn po t.
This adjustment is made generally only during
installation .

Troubleshooting Guide

The following scenarios are provided in order to help you
locate a difficulty if the heater performs in a manner which
would seem to indicate a malfunction:

l. P ro ble m : I loaded the h eater for start-up, lit the fire

starter and pellets but the fire didn't keep going.

Solution: Ch eck pow er co rd to s ee th at it is plugg ed in.
Rem ember that the timer on start up runs about 10
m inutes and if the he ater h as n ot he ated up e nou gh to

Front ash access panel