SOYO Motherboard SY-6BA+ IV User Manual
Page 14

Motherboard Description
t wo, three, or four sockets. Using the serial presence detect (SPD) data
structure, programmed into an E²PROM on the DIMM, the BIOS can
determine the SDRAM’s size and speed. Minimum DIMM memory size is
8 MB; maximum DIMM memory size is 256 MB. Memory size and speed
can vary bet ween sockets.
The motherboard supports the following memory features:
l 168- pin DIMMs with gold- plated contacts
l 66/ 100/ 133 MHz SDRAM
l Non- ECC (64- bit) and ECC (72- bit) memory
l 3.3 V memory only
l Supports 8/ 16/ 32/ 64/ 128/ 256 MB DIMM Modules
l Support unbuffered or registered single- or double- sided DIMMs
Slot 1 processors with 100 MHz front-side bus should be paired only with
100 MHz SDRAM. Processors with 66 MHz front side bus can be paired
with either 66 MHz or 100 MHz SDRAM.
1-8.2 SDRAM
SDRAM improves memory performance through memory access that is
synchronous with the front- side bus clock. Burst transfer rates at x- 1- 1- 1
timing can be achieved using SDRAM, while asynchronous memory
subsystem are typically limited at x- 2- 2- 2 transfer rates.
All memory components and DIMMs used with the SY-6BA+ IV
motherboard must comply with the PC SDRAM specifications. These
include: the PC SDRAM Specification (memory component specific), the
PC Unbuffered DIMM Specification, and the PC Serial Presence Detect