Subaru A3100BE User Manual
Page 196

the writing software and CD recorder.
y Recording must be performed using a
file system supported by the audio sys-
tem. Otherwise, the audio system may not
play the MP3 files and may not display
folder titles and file titles.
Supported file systems
The audio system supports the following
file systems:
y ISO 9660 Level 1/Level 2
y Apple Extension to ISO 9660
y Joliet
y Romeo
The audio system does not support the
following file systems:
y Apple HFS
y UDF 1.50
y Mix CD (CD Extra)
Compression format
y MPEG 1 audio layer 3 (MP3)
Bit rate: 32 kbps – 320 kbps
Sampling frequency: 32, 44.1, 48 kHz
y MPEG 2 audio layer 3 (MP3)
Bit rate: 8 kbps – 160 kbps
Sampling frequency: 16, 22.05, 24 kHz
Numbers of folders and files
y Maximum number of folders: 255 (in-
cluding root folder)
y Maximum number of files: 999 (maxi-
mum number in one folder: 255)
y Maximum number of layers: 8
y Not all of the discs stored in MP3
files may be able to be played back.
y Even if a folder contains no MP3
files, it is counted as a folder.
y Writing software can rearrange fold-
ers and files such that the playback or-
der is different from the desired one.
y The playback order for a given disc
can be different with different players.
Copyright issues
Except with respect to copies made for
personal use, duplication, distribution, and
transmission of music and other copy-
righted material on a disc without permis-
sion from the copyright holder is illegal.