Samsung A886 User Manual

Page 106

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Delivery Options: to configure the parameters associated with the

delivery of the multimedia message.
Priority: Select the priority level of your messages.
Expiration: Select the length of time you wish the message you

sent to remain on the message server.

Delivery Time: You can set a time delay before the phone sends

your messages.

Message Size: You can set the maximum allowed size for a

multimedia message(30/100/300 KB).

Get Delivery Report: When this option is enabled, the network

informs you whether or not your message has been delivered.

Get Read Report: When this option is enabled, your phone

requests a reply along with your message to the recipient.

Keep a Copy: Specifies whether you want to keep a copy of the

sent messages on your phone.

Add My Business Card: Sends your Business Card information

with messages.

Receiving Options: to configure the parameters associated

received multimedia messages such as:
Download Type: Lets you set the message receipt options.

Choose Auto Download, Manual, or Reject.

Send Delivery Report: when this option is enabled, the phone

allows the network report to the sender whether or not the message
has been received.

Send Read Report: When this option is enabled, your phone

sends a notification back to the recipient indicating that your
message has been received.

Reject Anonymous: Allows you to automatically reject messages

with a category of anonymous.