SmartBridges sB3412 User Manual
Page 39

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i n t e l l i g e n t w i r e l e s s p l a t f o r m
airClient™ Nexus PRO TOTAL User Guide
Figure: 2-27 Configuring WPA-PSK
Table 2-6 WPA Descriptions
Page Items
WPA-PSK is an extra-strong encryption where encryption keys are
automatically changed (called rekeying) and authenticated between
devices after a specified period of time, or after a specified number of
packets has been transmitted.
WPA-PSK is far superior to WEP and provides stronger protection for
the home/SOHO user for two reasons. The process used to generate the
encryption key is very rigorous and the rekeying (or key changing) is
done very quickly. This stops even the most determined hacker from
gathering enough data to break the encryption.
WPA-Shared Key
This is used by the clients to become authenticated with the Root
Bridge/Remote Router/Remote NAT.
WPA provides encryption via the Temporary Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) using the RC4 algorithm. It is
based on the 802.1X protocol and addresses the weaknesses of WEP by providing enhancements such
as Per-Packet key construction and distribution, a message integrity code feature and a stronger IV
(Initialization Vector).The length of a WPA key is between 8 and 63 characters.
Figure 2-28: WPA-RADIUS
Follow the steps below to configure the WPA-RADIUS:
1. Click the ‘Security’ link from the ‘Radio Main’ page.
2. Select the WPA-RADIUS from the drop down menu of the Security Mode.