Response, When api is successfully received, Response when api is successfully received – JVC 4ch Network Encoder VN-E4 User Manual

Page 7

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1. Acquiring JPEG from VN-E4 via HTTP _

1.3. Response

When API is successfully received

VN-E4 will return 200 OK. Content-length indicates file size of first JPEG in bytes. The x-vne4_response line indicates current values of all
parameters used for JPEG encoding.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 27616

Content-Type: image/jpeg

Date: Fri, 13 MAY 2005 07:33:12 GMT

Server: VN-E4 Jpeg & Audio Server/1.0.0

Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=5



When VN-E4 fails to realize the requested frame rate

Depending on the frame rate settings of VN-E4, transmission may not be possible at the frame rate requested by API. For example, when VN-
E4 is set to 15 fps, transmission will only be possible at 15 fps even if the client requests for 30 fps. When VN-E4 is set to 15 fps and 10 fps is
requested by the client, transmission will be carried out at 7.5 fps to enable transmission at equal time intervals.
The actual transmission frame rate is stated in the x-vne4_response line.


HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content

Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 27616

Content-Type: image/jpeg

Date: Fri, 13 MAY 2005 07:33:12 GMT

Server: VN-E4 Jpeg & Audio Server/1.0.0

Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=5



Frame rate encoded by VN-E4 can be changed using the web setting page or API for setting. Frame rate of data
that are currently being transmitted will remain unchanged even if the frame rate to encode is increased. When
the frame rate to encode is reduced, however, this value will become the upper limit of the transmission frame

When the specified input channel and frame size are not available

For example, when QVGA encoding of CH4 is set to off at VN-E4, transmission will fail if the client requests for QVGA of CH4. When this
occurs, VN-E4 will return an error response together with a PNG file. "Not Encoded" image is written in the PNG file.


HTTP/1.1 456 Header Field Not Valid for Resource

Connection: Keep-Alive

Content-Length: 27616

Content-Type: image/png

Date: Fri, 13 MAY 2005 07:33:12 GMT

Server: VN-E4 Jpeg & Audio Server/1.0.0

Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=5

(This is followed by a PNG file which includes the "Not Encoded" message.)

1.3. Response