Setting jpeg parameters added to ftp from vn-e4, Acquiring alarm action from vn-e4, Api for acquiring/changing parameters of vn-e4 – JVC 4ch Network Encoder VN-E4 User Manual
Page 28: Alarm setting
5. API for Acquiring/Changing Parameters of VN-E4 _
When acquiring setting of Object 1
Example of Response
Acquire the parameter of the specified object. This object is used by the API for setting FTP. Specify the
number of object(number) between the range of 1 to 8.
Setting JPEG Parameters Added to FTP from VN-E4
Example of Response
Perform setting for the specified object. This object is used by the API for setting FTP. Specify the number of
object(number) between the range of 1 to 8. The maximum value for prerec/postrec is 60. In addition, input
CH and frame size for each object are fixed and cannot be changed.
Acquiring Alarm Action from VN-E4
When acquiring action of Alarm No. 1
Example of Response
application.event(1).action=mailto/[email protected]/none/
Message&200 OK
Acquisition of input CH:
Acquisition of frame size:
Acquisition of frame rate:
Acquisition of BeforeTrigger:
Acquisition of AfterTrigger:
Acquisition of input CH:
Acquisition of frame size:
application.object(1).framesize=vga&200 OK
Acquisition of frame rate:
application.object(1).framerate=10&200 OK
Acquisition of BeforeTrigger:
application.object(1).prerec=2&200 OK
Acquisition of AfterTrigger:
application.object(1).postrec=2&200 OK
Setting of frame rate:
Setting of BeforeTrigger:
Setting of AfterTrigger:
Set frame rate to 5 fps:
Set BeforeTrigger to 3
Set AfterTrigger to 3
Setting of frame rate:
application.object(1).framerate&200 OK
Setting of BeforeTrigger:
application.object(1).prerec&200 OK
Setting of AfterTrigger:
application.object(1).postrec&200 OK