Setting access interval to ntp server for vn-e4, Acquiring time from vn-e4, Setting time for vn-e4 – JVC 4ch Network Encoder VN-E4 User Manual

Page 57: Acquiring timezone from vn-e4, Api for acquiring/changing parameters of vn-e4

Setting access interval to ntp server for vn-e4, Acquiring time from vn-e4, Setting time for vn-e4 | Acquiring timezone from vn-e4, Api for acquiring/changing parameters of vn-e4 | JVC 4ch Network Encoder VN-E4 User Manual | Page 57 / 80 Setting access interval to ntp server for vn-e4, Acquiring time from vn-e4, Setting time for vn-e4 | Acquiring timezone from vn-e4, Api for acquiring/changing parameters of vn-e4 | JVC 4ch Network Encoder VN-E4 User Manual | Page 57 / 80