Intel U3-1L User Manual
Page 16

Intel Server RAID Controller U3-1L (SRCU31L)
Quick Start Guide
Installing UnixWare on a RAID Volume
Follow the required procedure below to install Intel Integrated RAID.
When installing UnixWare, create only one RAID volume on which the
operating system is to be installed.
Create a SRCU31L UnixWare installation disk (HBA diskette): Insert the
Intel Integrated RAID CD-ROM into the target system and restart the
system to boot from the CD-ROM. When the ROM-DOS Startup Menu
appears select option #1, Make Diskettes. When the Select a diskette to
create screen appears, select UnixWare Installation. A command window
appears. Insert a blank high-density diskette in drive A: and press Enter to
create the UnixWare Installation Disk. Alternatively the CD-ROM can be
inserted into a different system running Windows 95, 98 or NT. The
CD-ROM’s auto-run feature will bring up a menu that will allow creation
of the UnixWare Installation Disk. If more than one RAID volume is
required, complete this installation and then use Storage Console to create
multiple volumes.
Insert the SRCU31L UnixWare installation disk 1 (of 2 disks) and reboot.
Install the OS using the install instruction provided in UnixWare 7
Installation Guide manual. UnixWare will prompt you to install Host Bus
Adapter diskette. At that time insert the UnixWare Installation diskette
created in Step 1.
Use only the version of the SRCU31L UnixWare installation disk (HBA
disk) that is provided on the CD or available from the Intel Web site for
installation of this adapter. Do not use a HBA disk available from the
vendor to install this product.
During the installation of UnixWare, you will be prompted to install the
Network Information Services (NIS) package.
When prompted defer the installation of NIS by pressing F8 on the NIS
configuration screen. If you decide at a later time to install NIS, you can do so
using the pkgadd(1) command.
Install the Netscape browser. The Netscape browser is provided in the SCO
UnixWare CD-ROM Disk 2 of 3.
After completing the UnixWare installation insert the Intel Server RAID
Controller U3-1L LOW PROFILE CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive and
mount the CD-ROM.
Create a directory to mount the file. For example, type
at the prompt.
Mount the CD-ROM to the folder by typing:
mount -F cdfs -r /dev/cdrom/cdrom1/cdfiles