Appendix b: glossary of terms used in this guide – Intel vPro User Manual
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Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® Pro Processor Technology Quick Start Guide
Appendix B: Glossary of Terms used in this guide
BIOS: Basic Input Output System
DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DNS: Domain Name Service.
Enterprise Mode: Provisioning model used
for larger organizations
Intel® AMT: Intel® Active Management
Technology allows Web Service calls to Intel
desktops and notebook clients for out-of-band
management and services.
Intel® Centrino® Pro processor
technology: Intel processor technology that
provides a higher level of security and
management to mobile computers.
Intel® ME: Intel® Management Engine
Intel® MEBx: Intel® Management Engine
BIOS Extension
Intel® vPro™ Processor Technology: Intel
processor technology that provides a higher
level of security and management to desktop
ISV: Independent Software Vendor
LMS: Local Management Service driver.
Provides an interface enabling local
management software agents to communicate
with the Intel Management Engine using the
same high-level protocols as those used for
remote management (e.g. XML, SOAP).
OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer.
Notation used to designate the PC
PID: Provisioning ID. First portion of security
key used in provisioning Intel vPro machines.
PKI: Public Key Infrastructure
PKI CH: Public Key Infrastructure –
Certification Hash
PPS: Provisioning Pass phrase. Pre-shared
key used in provisioning Intel vPro machines.
PSK: Pre-shared key
SMB Mode: Small (and Medium) Business
model used for provisioning an Intel vPro
TLS: Transport Layer Security