Step 1c: database server integration – Intel vPro User Manual
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Intel® vPro™ and Intel® Centrino® Pro Processor Technology Quick Start Guide
the system BIOS.. provided to the OEM by Intel. The Intel MEBx allows you to configure settings
that control the operation of the Management Engine which runs on the Intel AMT client. For more
information on Intel MEBx, see the Intel Management Engine BIOS Extension User’s Guide.
Step 1a: Manually register the “provision server” entry into the DNS server.
Manually resister the “provision server” entry into the DNS server.
Step 1b: Set Firewall/Router Ports Open for Management Traffic
Intel AMT requires certain ports to be “open” in order to allow management traffic through them. The
Intel AMT ports are 16992 (non-TLS), 16993 (TLS), 16994 (non-TLS redirection), 16995 (TLS
redirection) – these are IANA-assigned ports which Intel purchased. They cannot be changed. Port
9971 is used in Enterprise mode to listen for “Hello” packets. This port is configurable in the LDMS
To change the port number on the LANDesk core server, do the following:
1. Go to the following registry key: SOFTWARE\LANDesk\Management Suite and create a key
named AMTDiscovery.
2. Create a DWORD with a name of Port and enter the value you would like to assign as the new
listening port for the discovery of the Intel AMT Hello packets. You will then need to restart
the LANDesk® Agentless Discovery Service or reboot the server.
NOTE: Please refer to your LANDesk documentation or contact LANDesk Professional Services for
details on performing LANDesk operations that affect the computer’s registry.
Step 1c: Database Server Integration:
Intel vPro machines will have information about them (inventory) stored in a repository used by the
management console. With LANDesk management products, Microsoft SQL and Oracle database
integration is available. Please refer to your LANDesk documentation on how to successfully integrate
into the database of choice.